being a programmer
You know what sucks the most about working in the computer industry? the lack of sex-ification. Shows like House, Scrubs, and Grey's Anatomy make being a doctor sexy. West Wing makes you feel like every day of a politician's life is the most important day in the world. Entourage? Please, as if movie stars needed a show to make them seem awesome.
Generals probably have it the best.
Eisenhower: Freeing the world from fascism
Napoleon: Freeing Europe from the French (by invading Russia) (see what I did there??!?! ha-ha!)
Washington: Freeing Americans from people with bad teeth
I mean, even politicans can look cool. Barack pulls it off nicely:
Is it even possible for programming to look cool? Let's try Bill Gates:
Hmmmm.... somebody out there, please glorify the lives of programmers! We're really cool ... seriously!
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Matt (guest)

Will (guest)


I was just about to say the same thing. The era of the sexy hacker died with the tech bust as their millions in stock options evaporated with the market.
Of course, there is always the hope of Geek 2.0.

I guess I could settle for "Swordfish" ... blech!