"Oh iIm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have and cannonball into the water" Damn, that Teddy Geiger is catchy.

Anyways, I'll be flying out to San Diego on saturday. To everybody who's been a part of my life (big and small) over the past eternity in Chapel Hill, it's been great. I'll miss most of you (the exceptions being the following jerkfaces: you, you, you, and you)

They say last impressions are important. I've had many a sleepness nights on what type of impression I wish to impart on you. Since pictures are worth a thousand words ... here it goes:

THE RED RACER (sans the green monster ford taurus ...)

May you always remember me by that picture. When they say, "Do you remember that Roy Kim?" you'll look wistfully off into the distance and say, "Yes ... he sure did love that red suit ..."

By the way, Christmas thanks are a bit overdue, but I'd like to publicly thank Eve for the coolest gift ever:

(this is not a joke,  really. ask eve. or alex. or han. or alice. all who were present when Eve bestowed upon me this wonderful bottle of joy)

Most men would be offended that a woman dare challenge his masculinity, but I am confident in my virility to accept this gift from Eve which will, according to Viagra's website:

  • Helps most men with ED (Ed note: I don't have ED) achieve harder erections
  • Helps most men with ED (Ed note: I don't have ED) maintain an erection during sex
  • Can work in as little as 14 minutes
  • Partners were satisfied with how well VIAGRA improved erections of their men with ED (Ed note: I don't have ED)
  • Has a proven safety record
  • Works for men with ED (Ed note: I don't have ED) who also have a wide range of health issues
(Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) (Ed note: I don't have ED) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by roy on January 10, 2007 at 11:33 PM in Ramblings | 8 Comments

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joon (guest)

Comment posted on January 12th, 2007 at 10:08 PM
roy. i hear you are moving to san diago...a whale's vagina? i just want to wish you the best of luck and hopefully i'll see you sometime. it'll be korea all over again. take care man, you still hate the spurs? i kind of like tp now....peece out hug4life

PM5K (guest)

Comment posted on January 12th, 2007 at 09:29 AM
With that red suit, the only way you are getting laid is if you give those pills to a guy....

lillia (guest)

Comment posted on January 12th, 2007 at 08:13 AM
dang, if that's like $10 a pill, you should sell it on ebay!.. unless that's illegal or something.. unless you want to keep it for 50 years.. but drugs expire no?.. uhh.. yeah my comment is so practical compared to the others.. heh.. get settled in cali quick and invite us over!!..

linda (guest)

Comment posted on January 12th, 2007 at 08:00 AM
whoa, roy! you have ED!??!? (:
Comment posted on January 11th, 2007 at 08:32 PM
hope that little bottle of little blue diamonds help you when you get (no, lure) girls into your apartment. :D

peace! good luck with the move.

michinnam (guest)

Comment posted on January 11th, 2007 at 05:48 PM
don't take it! doesn't it warn you against it if you don't have ED? What if the blood never leaves your penis and it falls offfff!!!!!!

good luck with the move!
Comment posted on January 11th, 2007 at 12:35 PM
Don't you have to have a subscription to get that stuff? I know it is pretty expensive (about $10 a pill last time I checked).

I'll be in San Diego in mid-May visiting friends. Keep me posted on the weather down there. :-)

Good luck.
Comment posted on January 11th, 2007 at 08:54 AM
I remember that red suit from the cabin...it's totally sweet! Wear that to your first day of work...that will make an "impression!"