This entry brought to you by the letter "Q" and this classic Calvin and Hobbes strip:

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I love serendipitous moments. I especially love it when Matchbox 20's "3AM" starts playing on my music player at 3am when on random shuffle (so far it's only happened once, I'm eagerly awaiting the day it happens again - and no, I'm not allowed to skew it by making a shorter playlist). Actually, I think I can extend this to anytime a topical song starts playing. For example, I could be scheming on how to bring down my #1 enemy and then Tupac's "Hit 'Em Up" comes on. Or maybe I'm walking around campus with my iPod and the 1000 AD Theme Song for Chrono Trigger comes on (it's just music that plays while you explore the town in Chrono Trigger, the best RPG ever created).
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Speaking of which, my copy of Serendipity is missing. Whoever stole it will be my #1 enemy.
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This girl extended the million-dollar homepage idea to getting herself a MacBook. And it looks like it worked. Oh, the joys of being a cute (webdesigner) girl. (there's a picture of her at the bottom of the page).
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I've been forcing myself to use the Mac a bit more, and I can't say I've been more productive on it - most of my productivity probably comes from having a 24" monitor and not from the platform itself. Actually my SFTP uploader for Mac is a lot worse than the one I was using for my PC - I'm using Fetch and it doesn't support two-pane (so dragging/dropping is a pain in the ASS). I guess I'm sorta forced to figure out how to set-up the Tabulas codebase locally using MAMP and work from there. I'm starting to get used to the quirks of TextMate with its autoformatting, so things are going ok there. Overall, I'm acclimatizing pretty well, although I do (sorta) miss the PC platform ...
SPEAKING OF WHICH (this paragraph deserves the caps lock) WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE MAKE MIDDLE CLICK WORK F*CKING CORRECTLY FOR FIREFOX FOR MAC OS X?! Seriously: middle-click opens tabs, middle-click closes tabs. I've gotten the first part working (go to System Preferences and set your middle click to Option + Click), but the second part won't work. I've installed that stupid workaround Tab X plugin to add a close button to each tab, but middle-click is SO MUCH BETTER. PLEASE SOMEBODY FIX THIS.
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I love how toggle applications (Alt+Tab) and quick programs (Alt+Q) are implemented are on Mac (if you miss the joke, look at the keyboard).
. . ., the excellent business card/poster printing company (the Tabulas business cards I ordered from them are of fantastic quality) was running a sale on business card (code EXTEND50) which cut the price of their 4/1 business cards (color and gloss on one side, back is black & white) to $50 for 500. I could not pass up this opportunity to get my "apology" personal business cards printed.
These would be "business" cards that I would pass out after I wronged somebody. Here are the ones I sent off to be printed: (the bunny image was stolen off of CuteOverload, but these cards are just for me and my friends so I'm going to assume it's ok; if not, I'll send one of the cards to the owner of that picture)
The front:

The back:

"Hygiene" is spelt correctly on the actual cards, I'm just too lazy to update my psd)
The back actually has my REAL signature (thank goodness for that tablet PC!), so it's worth it's weight in paper.
If I've wronged you in any way, please feel free to leave a comment. I'll send you a personal apology through the mail (I'll need your address through PM or email at ;)
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A short plug for MindTouch: check out the demo from UNC alum Aaron (co-founder of MT) at DEMOFall. We also launched a new corporate site, which is pretty ho-hum. The only upside to that was that I got to start becoming intimately familiar with the CMS from hell (all CMS are from hell, not just this one) called DRUPAL. Seriously, Drupal is kinda interesting, but the damn thing just feels way overengineered.
You can buy our DekiBox appliance (which contains DekiWiki) from our site: the actual appliance looks pretty slick:

I wonder if I can convince MT to give me a discount to get my own ;)
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I'm going to engage in some navel-gazing here and say this is a pretty solid entry. I'm also going to point out that I could have split this entry up into like 5 separate entries and had a week's worth of writing material, but HOMIE DON'T ROLL LIKE DAT. I GIVE YOU WHATEVER I FEEL LIKE SAYING AT ONCE. I DONT' DO NONE OF THAT EDITING JOUNK; I GIVE YOU ALL THE MEDIOCRITY AT ONCE, LIKE A MCDONALD'S MEAL.
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Jaymee Ong (guess who made her fan-site a long time ago?) is blogging.