Like clockwork, I started feeling the traveling bug start acting up again. This always happens when I'm listening to Kansas' "Dust in the Wind" (I'm not sure why this particular song evokes those images) or the Beatles "Long and Winding Road." I always end up looking at my old pictures from the last time I took a nice long trip ... and then I have this longing to go somewhere far away where no one can understand a word of what I say.
If you've already seen these, I apologize. If not, feel free to check out the whole gallery from 2002. It covers Vietnam and Korea pictures.
These two pictures are still my favorite exposures from the whole trip. And I still can't explain why. I have close to 2000 pictures from that trip (of course, I only posted about 100-150 of them, maybe I'll get around to posting more!) ... and these two just stuck out when I saw them ... weird.
One of my biggest regrets was not getting more portraits. I would amend that error on my second trip back. I was honestly just blown away by the scenery of Vietnam to focus on the people...
Jeez I looked young. Look at all that baby fat!
Anyone out there looking to go traveling somewhere other than Europe? I'd love to have a traveling buddy ... but I'm just as content with my Elan 7 and my iPod.
Places I'd like to visit:
- Siberia
- Vietnam
- Cambodia
- Afghanistan (yeah, probably not going to happen anytime soon)
- Tibet
- Northern China
- Western China
- anywhere but Europe
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ghost_tree (guest)

Or maybe I'll just sit in my comfy chair and wait for you to post photos! :)


xyro (guest)


Why "anywhere but Europe"?

Hmmmmmm. Perhaps my activity of the week next week...