Maybe I'm just being a bit too narrowsighted about this, but I really don't like how the world's best singers are also the world's biggest skanks/troublemakers. Is it too much to ask for a wholesome beautiful singer?

I mean look at Christina Aguilera. Beautiful voice. But man, she is skanky. And she sings about the stupidest things. Her voice is so amazing yet she wastes it on "I hate men"-type of songs. Come on. Get over it.

Mariah Carey is another case of this syndrome. Everytime I see a picture of her, she's wearing almost nothing. I mean, I'm not really complaining about this, but I would have so much more respect for her if she just kept more clothes on!

Whitney Houston ... well, it went all downhill for her when she married Bobby Brown.


On a completely unrelated note, I had the sketchiest dream last night. I had a short dream about me, yush, and sech having a pillowfight in our room next year. Except it wasn't manly "pissed" pillowfighting, it was the "lesbian love" pillowfighting that characterize girl sleepovers (I'm an expert on this subject).

I hope none of this sissyness tranpires next year...
Posted by roy on August 12, 2003 at 09:35 PM | 4 Comments

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Comment posted on August 13th, 2003 at 05:32 AM
lol cant agree more.....
wish aguilera would sort he self out. very true bout whitney and mariah carey has passed he sell by date
Comment posted on August 12th, 2003 at 11:46 PM
i hope you keep gay dreams to ourself, haha, i actualy had a dream the other night, with me sung and chris lim in it. It was like Chris Lim was taking your place. That's what it felt like at least. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, While sung was napping and I was reading a book on my bed, Chris says "dude, I'm gay". and i was like, what?! with an surprised look on my face. Then he says" I'm just joking dude" Then sung wakes from his nap still drowsy, "did you say you're gay?" chris-"dude I was just joking" hahaha, so replace Chris with Roy, and we have one gay roommate, just come out of the closet roy, just come out, Han will be there for you for any homosexual consultation.
Comment posted on August 13th, 2003 at 07:28 AM
goddamnit! i'm not gay!! i'm not the one who reads harry potter.
Comment posted on August 13th, 2003 at 12:55 PM
seeing how you are one of the few people left who hasn't red HP, I would say that you represent the small minority of the population who are gay. But it's ok, we've lived with Han, we can deal with you, just tone it down on the gayness, thanks