i miss road trips
big sur, california
tired to the bone, but can't seem to sleep. i keep tossing and turning. i'm back into the work-crazy mode, where i sweat the small details. am i forgetting something? what am i overlooking? what can be triaged until the next release? it's tough to try to be an individual contributor *and* a manager at the same time - but circumstances require me to be a micromanaging individual contributor. it's a short term view.
mt will make a killer product announcement soon. can't wait until we unleash this baby on the world. i also can't wait until i can take another international trip - somewhere like tibet. i have a location in mind, but i don't want to jinx it quite yet. the finances are taking a beating - need to let a few large purchases settle (like the car!)
odd thing is, when i look back at this past year, i've done an insane amount of traveling. but it's all been within the states. it's been more than a year since i left the country - criminal!
. . .
i'm always so fascinated by the diversity of personalities of the people in this world. taking pictures of people is so much fun, even though i stink at it.
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