I've had sleep paralysis dreams before, and they're frightening (but on the upside, I have had flying dreams, which are pretty awesome). Generally, the sleep paralysis dreams follow the same pattern: I find myself "awake," and aware that my head is face down in the pillow. I try to move over on my side, since I have trouble breathing, but find I can't. This generally leads to anxiety as I worry if I'm going to suffocate in my sleep... then I summon all my strength to turn over, and the dream usually ends.

But last night's had a twist. I dreamt that I had woken up, and there was a guy in my apartment. He was mumbling, "money money money" - I couldn't see him directly, but i could see his shadow against the wall.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I tried to turn over and move my blanket away from my face, but find I couldn't. I reached over for my phone... which I was able to grab (to call 911), but as soon as it was in my hand, the phone disappeared.

It was a freaky-ass dream: I really freaked out - and with all my focus, I focused on sitting up. And when I did, the dream ended. I didn't even realize it was a dream until I woke up...

Posted by roy on November 26, 2010 at 03:25 PM in Dreams | 3 Comments

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Comment posted on December 12th, 2010 at 03:20 PM
interesting... because not too long ago I had a nightmare where I was in some room with fascist/communist propaganda posters and there was a pile of cash sitting on top of a piano.
Comment posted on November 29th, 2010 at 06:31 AM
I have similar dreams too. But it's more like I'm awake but I don't have control over my body yet. So I try to control my breathing and/or move a finger. Once I gain control over that, I try to move my hand, etc. It's like taking 15 minutes to slowly gain consciousness.
Comment posted on November 28th, 2010 at 01:42 PM
Wow, you have scary dreams!