what's up, y'allllll (wikkity wikkity wikkity wack). i'm pretty convinced that when i'm sleep deprived, i am very fun to be around. i'm also convinced that the entries i write WRITE BEFORE I PASS OUT from sleeping pills tend to get LOTS of responses.

labor day weekend is over. it was very productive, and i made some great progress on making tabulas not suck, once again. i'm currently running a script (going through over a million entries) which will populate a great feature: "Tabulas Trackbacks!"

Anytime you link to a Tabulas user, image, or entry, we'll know!

I've never been a huge fan of comments - they're good for short discussions, but a real conversation requires a full post, by itself. This'll be the first bootstrapped feature that will launch this: expect to see more of it this week. Lainie, and I mean you! (You need to get some of your friends on Tabulas!)

I'm cautiously optimistic about this upcoming week at work. I'm not going to jinx it, but I have a feeling it's going to be a great week, indeed.



Currently watching: my upgrade script pushing out a ton of numbers ... i hope it's done by morning!
Currently feeling: reflective
Posted by roy on September 2, 2008 at 01:35 AM in Tabulas, MindTouch | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on September 2nd, 2008 at 07:34 AM
haha do you know that song?