Tabulas update
Users of Tabulas, feel proud! I have shut down new user registrations. Fighting spam on Tabulas has been an evolving battle - first they targeted comments (which has largely improved). Then when I shut that down, they wised up and started registering new sites and actually posting spammy journals. I've written tools that aggregate new posts on a daily basis on Tabulas - I manually review sites and ban them. On average, there were about 20 sites per days I had to ban.
But the number seems to be increasing. I ban them the day they sign-up (I even send them a nasty automated email), but they keep seem to register new accounts. I don't know if they're stupid or just trying to piss me off, but enough is enough.
When I get some time, I'll open up Tabulas user registrations by limited invite-only; that way, if a spammer gets into the system, I can figure out how he got invited and kill that tree.
A shame that spammers have to ruin this for everyone.
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blue (guest)

han (guest)
sythiel (guest)
it's the first time i've seen the front page with less amount of spammy updates.
except for a couple or two

GHV2 (guest)