I keep reading articles relating to myspace. Recently they hired a "Chief Security Officer" to help with protecting the users on myspace from online predators.

This leads to wonder whether all this bad press about MySpace (it's dangerous!) and notoriety leads more kids to join it. If you were a teenager today, would you want to join a staid "emo" community like Livejournal or a potentially dangerous MySpace?

Maybe the trick for Tabulas is to market it as this totally hip, underground, edgy, dangerous place where only cool people meet. Hell, maybe I should even limit registrations (just kidding) so only "elite people" can join. I could be even crueler and not let them know when they're registering whether they are cool or not - a random number generator would randomly fail registrations with "SORRY YOU'RE NOT COOL ENOUGH, GO JOIN LAMEO XANGA." I could probably even cookie the user so they could never register.

haha (by the way, i would never really do this).

Currently listening to: Gunther - Touch Me
Posted by roy on April 29, 2006 at 01:56 PM in Foolishness, Tabulas | 9 Comments

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Comment posted on April 29th, 2006 at 10:09 PM
Whew, I'm glad they decided to do something about the pervo situation on myspace. People like me need to be protected from people like me.

If you need an in-house e-stalker and dirty-talker, I'll do it. By the end, Nancy Grace will want my head to roll. I'll be that bad.
Comment posted on April 30th, 2006 at 12:35 PM
Good thing pervies like you aren't on Tabulas! Then *I'd* have a hire a Chief ... wait a second...

Comment posted on April 29th, 2006 at 07:48 PM
A few days ago, according to Alexa.com, MySpace was the fifth most visited website ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET.

The press helps!
Comment posted on April 30th, 2006 at 12:36 PM
Well, the upside is now we can joke that the only purpose of the Internet is to serve up MySpace pages, as opposed to being used to distribute pornography. Or even worse ... information.
Comment posted on April 29th, 2006 at 02:10 PM
Actually, I think that if Tabulas had more of a distinct identity, an "image," that it would become more popular. It's a common thread that you see in almost all successful social networks.
Comment posted on April 29th, 2006 at 02:50 PM
correct, and there is actually a distinct demographic i'm targetting with tabulas. distinct demographic and distinct purpose.
Comment posted on April 29th, 2006 at 05:37 PM
would you mind if i asked which distinct demographic you're targetting? :) just curious!

to tell you the truth, tabulas kind of has an indie-charm. it's quite popular here in the philippines, at least as far as i know. livejournal is for elitists, tabulas is for hippies. xanga is virtually unheard of here. blogspot is for old, boring people -_-`. just my two cents worth. tab is my favorite!
Comment posted on April 30th, 2006 at 12:37 PM
Distinct demographics

There aren't any specific "plans" to target them; what I mean by targetting is simply offering tools that I think specific demographics will embrace.

I'd like to continue to maintain Tabulas "indie" style for all the current users, but my dream is to eventually allow older less tech-savvy demographics to use Tabulas to share with family and friends.
Comment posted on April 29th, 2006 at 09:43 PM
Yeah, I've noticed that a LOT of the tabulas users are from the Philippines. Wonder why?