October 6, 2008
ouch, total burn
ooh, i got totally internet burned today. i added somebody from my carolina days as a friend on facebook (cleaning out some old stuff, i found a card, which reminded me of this particular person). i got an email confirmation saying we were friends ... but when i clicked the link, it said we weren't friends anymore.
total burn! super sad panda time.
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Son of a bastard.





Or if the confirmation were intentional, I'm thinking that maybe that's worse. Because unfriending somebody is a more active rejection than not confirming somebody in the first place. But then again, the fact that you were confirmed at first could suggest that your person at least remembers you. I would bet that my guy just doesn't remember me, which is pretty bad. I don't know what to think. Facebook is so complicated.

we could have been the next collegehumor. rats!