A preface: Bert, I think you played such a prominent role in one of these scenes because of that jackass voicemail you left last night - I listened to it before I went to sleep, wondering what the heck that was about ;)
I had a vivid dream last night:
It started off with meeting this beautiful girl who I fell in love with. She started hanging out at the cabin (from our last mountain trip) with me and asked to use my computer. After she was done, she gave it back, but her email client was open. In it was an email from one of my acquaintances who was pleading with her to return - she apparently had just left him and disappeared. I told her that she should return to him because I felt their history together was so strong ... as she was leaving, a party started at the house with lots of people I knew (which included a lot of younger kids like my sister). During the party, I could hear some bloodcurling screams.
A group of men (none I recognized) were killing everybody at the party, including all the young kids. I ran around frantically (not helping), and then I noticed the SWAT team was outside the cabin. They came in and swept the house and arrested two men, but noted that one of them had escaped.
Fast forward to that evening, and I'm hanging with Bert and somebody else (assumed in the dream to be his friend, but I didn't know who it was) ... I suddenly realize Bert was the last guy. I run up the stairs; Bert realizes that I've caught on to him and he chases me up the stairs. His friend goes downstairs (presumably to get a gun). I'm then jump out of the second floor and start flying away.
My flying abilities is sorta like gliding, it's nothing active I do to fly. I have trouble controlling my flying abilities; I can get the general direction, but it's very hard for me to actually control the smaller mechanics - a lot of it involves the wind direction. I take out my cell phone and pretend to fly the cops as I hover above Bert's red BMW (which actually resemble's Hao's old car). Bert comes out and we start yelling at each other - I claim that I was recording our conversation in the cabin where Bert confesses to the crime, but I really don't. I start flying away, pretending to call the cops on my cell phone. I see Bert get in the car and he starts following me. At this point, the bad guy stops being Bert and morphs into somebody I don't know.
From above, I see as the BMW sees a cop .. and then rams the cop. The bad guy gets out and starts pumping round after round into the cop car until it explodes. He then starts killing all the eyewitnesses to the crime. He gets this huge gun out of his car and starts shooting at me with it - I then try flying away. We're in an apartment complex, so I hide in one of the apartments to avoid detection. I'm hoping the bad guy gives up and goes away.
The bad guy then morphs in Colonel Tigh from Battlestar Galactica, and I'm stuck in this hallway; the apartment complexes had turned into bunk beds in this dank barracks-type building. I hear Tigh walking towards my side of the barracks, talking about his history and why he wants to hurt me. I fly silently along the top of the hallway and hide behind a large wooden beam. After he passes, I try to fly away from him, but there's this huge machine which shoots this web which captures me.
I'm sent to this jail, but somehow I escape when there's a commotion in the jail (I fly away).
I fly outside, and I'm in this huge city. Suddenly I'm transformed into this superhero that people expect to help, but all I end up doing is just flying around.
Then I woke up feeling very depressed. Everytime I was flying, I was escaping some imminent danger; and even when there was no longer any imminent danger, there were expectations heaped upon me which I failed to meet.
I guess I don't want to admit I've been under a lot of pressure lately with the need to make a decision ...
I spent this morning trying to make some sense of the dream, but I could only come up with bad interpreations.

1) No hot girl would ever ask to use your computer at a romantic cabin in the mountains. Not even in dreams. :)
2) You ended up just flying around? What an unclutch bastard you are.
3) Bert has a red BMW? I just can't picture him in a red car for some reason. You should have had him in a mini-Cooper or something. :)



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