October 23, 2006
this weekend
First off, let me say that Matt rules for creating the first current events swarm: UNC Replaces Football Coach. He's aggregated a bunch of links regarding John Buntings getting fired from UNC... sweet.
Here's a list of changes that have been updated to swarmf this weekend:
- Style changes - this site was developed on a Mac, and the big fonts didn't look so big. When I loaded it on a PC, everything looked superhuge. Things should look a lot better now. Brian was gracious enough to scan and send me the way NYTimes does news summaries; that's been a huge inspiration for possible ways of styling things for swarmf. I'm still mulling over the exact styling of swarmf topics (especially how to handle columns), but I'm starting to get an idea of where to go...
- Missing titles - spaceinthewho was curious why images didn't display titles - my original reasoning was that titles were human-readable representations of urls; since images would embed directly into the page, there was no need to display a title - descriptions would work to describe the image if you needed text to accompany the image. However, in the future, I want to start caching images locally (thumbnail them) for layout reasons - if this is the case, then titles would need to be displayed again (since what would be displayed on swarmf would just be a thumbnail and not the actual image). Hence, images will also display titles/urls just like every other item. I also fixed up that annoying bug where descriptions would show up above videos (but below for images).
- Email this topic to a friend - along the bottom of every page, youll see a new section called "Topic Options." You now have the option of Emailing a topic to multiple friends (I emailed the Bunting swarmf to nasty nate and chris; we actually had a convo this week about the need for Bunting to be fired); you also have the option of Forking a page ...
- Forking a page - credit goes to Yush for inspiring this feature. Basically it allows you to take any swarmf and copy it to your account. It lets you remix a remix ... right now the feature may seem sorta stand-alone, but I have some ideas on creating similar topic clouds (based on item overlaps) which will allow me to generate a list of similar topics
- Add bookmarklet - when you use the bookmarklet to add an item to any swarmf, you'll now see a checkbox that will redirect you back to the item after it's saved to swarmf - this hopefully will make less of an interruption on your normal surfing habits
- Editing topic names - you can edit your topic names, but the URL won't update. I need to write the functionality for storing and saving redirects before I can allow topic name edits to correspond to urls
- Contacting page author - Across from the title of a swarmf topic, you'll now see a link to the page author - you can now use a HTML form to send a message to that user. Suggestions and privacy blocks (e.g. not allowing people to contact you) haven't been implemented, but they're on the to-do list.
- Permalinks! - your public swarmf pages are now at subdomains - for example: http://hunter-s-thompsons-death.swarmf.com/
- Current to-do list: You can see what's on the todo list at http://roy.listfoo.com/swarmf/
. . .
I've started working on listfoo 1.1 this past weekend: check out the semi-functional mockup. Goals for listfoo 1.1
- Standardize all the JS to the scriptaculous/prototype libraries
- Implement a better UI to replace the placeholder UI
- Actually write some content for the home page that makes it clear what listfoo does
- Add internationalization support
- Change the way checked-off items are handled
- Add browser/platform specific keyboard commands to expedite using listfoo (cause really, who likes using the mouse?
1.1 won't be adding any big functionality; it's mostly a polish on the 1.0 release if anything. But the polish, it's oh-so-pretty.
I'm also working on something with Matt, but I won't talk about that yet. It's looking to be a busy few months ahead...
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Ben Mappen (guest)


and can I get an autograph? (:
