Continuing in the boring coverage of Roy's foray into the financial world, Roy experienced his first "bear" day: the first time all of my stocks ended up in the negatives! And this isn't just a measly 1-2% per stock... no sirree... each stock lost at least 2% ... and one lost close to 12%!!!

I'm actually kind of proud of this day - I'm pretty happy with the way I shrugged it off the whole day. There will be up days and down days, and this was definitely a down day (for the whole market, the Dow lost about 2% too, and I emailed Bert about his portfolio pains as well). Steph, how did you do?

I expect the beginning of a tougher market - higher Fed rates, coupled with high commodity prices, higher competition from foreign markets, incompetant Federal government (both the executive and legislative branches are to blame here) ... oh well.

Hey, as long as I can beat a monkey throwing darts at the WSJ, I'll be happy.

The screenshot with the proof: (irrelevant parts edited out)

Posted by roy on May 11, 2006 at 05:37 PM in Finances | 3 Comments

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Comment posted on May 12th, 2006 at 11:43 AM
lol... basically lost a car yesterday.

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Comment posted on May 11th, 2006 at 10:01 PM
there will be down days and hopefully more up days. don't let emotion rule your trading :-)

as for me, i am down for the day.

today, i think traders were depressed because the feds raised the interest rates but oil is still sky high, inflation worries, etc.
Comment posted on May 11th, 2006 at 06:18 PM
congrats on the shruggage-you're a bigger person than I'll ever be... the bull is on it's way~