Although I hadn't dreamt in a while, apparently all the little monkeys in my brain responsible for kick ass dream plotlines weren't exactly sleeping on the job... I just had the best dream from a short nap ... (weird, huh?)

It started off with a soccer team. Apparently I was on this soccer team until circumstances (I had to drive my sister to piano every Wednesday, and that conflicted with practice) forced me to quit. The team had just won states and were celebrating in the streets. I got very sad and angry for not being a part of it, so I ran off into a local mall. At the mall, this weird old lady and guy came up to me and asked if I knew these two email addresses. I recognized them as being associated with some weird cult related to God... so I talked to them about God for a little while until they suddenly grabbed me by my arms. Everywhere I looked in the mall, there were individuals who were being grabbed by these people. Immediately I knew I was in trouble. I quickly was dragged down the stairway when I heard some knocking and a friendly voice saying, "Hey, come on, hurry up. We gotta get out of here. They're taking over everybody and they're cannibals!" I looked up, and it was Han!

He threw me this staff with a bunch of weird symbols on it, but I immediately understood how to use some of the basic functions of the staff. Han had a pretty badass sword (a mixture between a broadsword and a schimitar) and looked pretty badly cut, so I used my staff to heal him a bit.

Anyways, we soon ran into these people who were being infected (or were infected) with a werewolf like virus; they would turn into half-werewolves and attack us, but we dispatched of them pretty handily. It's like the whole thing was a huge set of stairways and narrow hallways, so every corner we'd see some new type of enemy. In the beginning, they were relatively "noob" enemies; Han could have destroyed them himself, but I was playing around on the staff to see its full powers.

We soon ran into this open room with these bottles on the ground... suddenly as we're walking through, genies appear out of the bottles! Some of the genies couldn't be seen by Han, so he only attacked the ones he could see, while I attacked the more "invisible ones." It took a while, but we killed all those stunnas... and we both somehow picked up limited invisibility skills. This proved useful against the next set of enemies, the skeletons, who would keep rebuilding themselves; they were like walking skeletons, except they had this one big black eye on top of the skull; the best way to destroy them was either to cut off the eye (which would regenerate), cover the eye with some goo (from my staff), or attack a big group of them, become invisible, and run through the openings (obviously, attacking while invisible made us visible again).

We had just run into some pretty badass robots (which I couldn't figure out how to destroy; Han was just hacking them up while I figured out their weakness... isn't lightening supposed to destroy those suckers? The goo wouldn't work... oh man, how amazing the mind is to keep making these stories upon stories up!

But yeah, I woke up pretty amped. We were kicking some hardcore ass (in a clearly masculine manner) ... and the dream was so lucid and so unconfusing. I tried to go back to the nap, cause I wanted to kick more butt, but the brain never cooperates with "give me back my dream please!" requests...

Such a shame.

Posted by roy on October 10, 2005 at 03:34 PM in Dreams | 8 Comments

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Ben* (guest)

Comment posted on October 11th, 2005 at 06:53 AM
Tsk tsk tsk... i thought u quit already.

Btw, you should return to NP once in a while. I think something is wrong with the server (lack of space?) check my Network thread..
Comment posted on October 10th, 2005 at 09:28 PM
gosh, i'm such a noob. those two "gues" comments are mine.
Comment posted on October 10th, 2005 at 08:31 PM
No more PS2 for you, young man! :P
Comment posted on October 10th, 2005 at 09:36 PM
Quite amusing - when I told my friend this dream, she said the exact same thing... except I don't play PS2 at all! She said this sounded like Final Fantasy; I've never played or watched any of the FF games!
Comment posted on October 10th, 2005 at 11:53 PM
That's the power of all the anime/gamer karma amoungst the legions of Tabulistas! :)
Comment posted on October 10th, 2005 at 07:04 PM
Sounds like your recent religious retreat, coupled with the bird flu panic, has all come together in one dream where you were able to slay all the dragons at once. Just curious, what did you have to ear (or drink) before your "nap." :-)
Comment posted on October 10th, 2005 at 09:36 PM
haha... nothing psychedelic, i can assure you!
Comment posted on October 10th, 2005 at 04:47 PM

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