here i go... scream my lonesome.. and try to get to you. you're the only one i let go. there's just no one who gets me like you do. you are my only one - "only one" by yellowcard

I've been working on Tokki tonight. There was a short hiatus while I moved into the dorm and got settled. Dorming with Yush and Sung has been a blast so far - and yes, we do get a fair amount of studying done.

Crispdawg is pretty much our 4th roommate, which is pretty cool. The room itself is spacious and is about 2 minutes from campus (walking). YES!

My classes, as always, are nothing to look forward to. The chemistry building sucks the life out of me like nothing else everytime I walk in there - why the heck did I pick chemistry and economics as majors? Oh well. Just grind out a few more semesters and I'll be out of here.

There's been a lot of thought lately to my future. I will be taking the MCATs (medical school admissions test) in April .. aiming for a 38-40. Really need it based on my school grade history. Then I can at least offset the crappy GPA with my "extracurriculars."

In any case, the most ideal post-graduation case for me would be the following:
- Make a 4.0 GPA this semester (I'm pretty serious about this, and I'm only taking 12 hours, so it should be a possibility).
- Get studying done on MCATS daily so I can get a 38-40 in April (not unrealistic).
- Get Tokki off and get it working commercially (Yes, it *is* a commercial product that I will be charging for)
- Get enough money to sustain myself financially so I can be completely independent
- Apply to med school after a few years off

- Go travel for a year around the world. Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, South American, wherever. Bring my trusty camera and laptop ... travel the world, take some pictures, and just experience life.

Of course, my reality will probably not even be remotely close to this.

Wanderlust. It's a bitch.
Posted by roy on August 27, 2003 at 06:52 PM | 2 Comments

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Comment posted on August 27th, 2003 at 09:50 PM
what about poker roy. once we gather $5000.00, i want to play head to head with you. The winner represents both of us in the world championship of poker.

Hao Zhang
Comment posted on August 27th, 2003 at 10:36 PM
haha hao. anytime.

seeing my ear-perfect record against you, i'm willing to go for it ;)

by the way ... dude, can you help us move the futon? i cannot find anyone else who has access to a truck to move the damn thing and i'm not sure the frat guys appreciate us leaving it at their house :(

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