Links tagged with "standards"
- APML wiki - "Attention Profiling Markup Lang... February 19th, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards - XFN 1.1 profile February 2nd, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards, xfn - The B-List: Legacy. January 23rd, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards - Well, I'm Back: January 22nd, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards - QuirksBlog: The versioning switch is not a browser detect January 22nd, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards - Adactio: Journal—Broken January 22nd, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards - Andy Budd::Blogography: Has Internet Explorer Just Shot Itself in the Foot? January 22nd, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards - A List Apart: Articles: Beyond DOCTYPE: Web Standards, Forward Compatibility, and IE8 January 22nd, 2008
Tags: dev, web, standards - Web Standards Do - the Way of Web Standards - W3C Q&A Weblog July 15th, 2007
Tags: dev, web, standards - A design pattern for image and figure alignment at FactoryCity February 27th, 2007
Tags: dev, web, standards - Mike Davidson: Interview: The Redesign April 9th, 2006
Tags: dev, web, standards