Tabulas todo
Here's a list of open questions I will answer by diving into Tabulas data soon:
- Do people actually use different usericons for posts? (If not, there goes one more dropdown)
- Do people use the "favorite" entry feature? (If not, there goes one more option)
- Do people use the "Currently ..." & mood metadata? (If not, then make it an "extra" option that must be enabled - off by default)
Some updates to the current work-in-progress editor:
I'm still having issues with the autoresize feature trigger - I added a timer, but I may have to do some more diving into why this isn't working correctly. (Work mostly in Chrome, but Safari seems buggier). For now, I've set a timer on the function call, which seems to work in 90% of cases...
Autosave has been added. I'm actually leaning towards autosaving new entries into drafts as well - I think this will actually be helpful in drafting more long-form items. I need to flowchart how autosaving will work (with drafts), but for now, any changes to the body of the entry will trigger a network autosave (the data is stored on the server). if the connection is lost, it will autosave locally to your browser (if you have a modern browser). This should protect your entries in most scenarios (only case are browser crashes, but there's not much I can do). Autosave is triggered every 30 seconds.
Publish and save buttons created and styled (but currently they don't work). I'm leaning towards making the buttons flush along the top instead of flush with the entry.
I've added the video plug-in for TinyMCE, but I plan on rewriting almost all their plug-ins against specific use cases: for the video plugin, embedding Vimeo, YouTube, or FB videos.
Next up? I'm going to heavily play with images - they are such a critical aspect for Tabulas' success that I need to make embedding them into entries easier. If this is successful, I am certain I can remove a ton of complexity from the gallery code.
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