So fatigued. I've generally only found time to respond to non-client emails early in the morning (2am/3am) - I've already gotten a few remarks about the timing of those emails. (Trying to find a good lawyer, christ it's hard)
I guess I've gotten used to this lifestyle, where it doesn't out of the ordinary to write emails that late. But I should start scheduling them to be sent out at 8am Pacific so it doesn't look so weird.
My left wrist has been hurting - I tried to take yesterday off (to absolutely no success). It's amazing how much I do with the left hand, and how difficult it is to do simple things when your wrist is tweaked. It doesn't help that I worked out on it, either. OOPS!
Yesterday - my most notable achievement: I slept for 8 hours. I can't remember the last time I slept for more than 4 hours comfortably. It was heavenly.
I have been taking lots of trips lately - thus fulfilling my goal that if I were to ever leave the 9-5, I'd take advantage of the independence. Vegas for LDW, Korea, and Hawaii were all great. I have Tahoe in November, then Vegas for New Years. I'm trying to figure out my next traveling trip - I'm leaning towards Cuba or Spain at the moment... but I also want to spend a little more time in Korea next year, as well. We'll see.
The business has been good. Getting into a good rhythm of development with my main client. We've ironed out the internal development processes, so code and features have been cranking out a relatively steady pace, which is great. I feel good with the team I have now, which means I can start tackling some of the issues I've purposely ignored - primarily on the legal/accounting front.
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