August 31, 2011
new skills
Every year, I try to pick up something new. A few years ago, it was ballroom dancing. That led to Pilates, which has led to me hitting the gym with regularity. With rykorp being so busy, I haven't had the opportunity to start learning something new.
During my Mexico trip, I decided that my new "thing" would be to learn Spanish. So I met up with a tutor today, and boy did I get my ass whooped.
But it's a great feeling - it keeps me out of my comfort zone and helps humble me. Plus it's great to exercise a different part of your brain.
I'll be going three times a week (and I've got a ton of homework). He said that within a year I can be conversing with ease. My goal? Six months.
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Goodluck and don't forget to have fun with it. =]

Good luck! [: