Twice this week I've woken up to dreams that have stressed me out, and I'm not one to remember my dreams very well!
In the first dream, somebody was trying to kill me by setting laser traps. I walked through a laser tripwire outside my apartment door and it set off a bomb (I survived, but got incredibly paranoid through the rest of my dream).
In the dream last night, I somehow went back in time to February 2010. For better or worse, I had lost the last 16 months of my life. Given how tumultuous that period was, I was not happy to find myself at the beginning of it all (although I remember having one thought: "Christ, what stock (that I know about) will outperform like crazy? Answer: TZOO locks in a nice 700% gain).
But after the intial shock had died down, I started acting on what I knew would be problematic - I got ahead of problems at my old job. I avoided certain people in my life, who I knew would be troublesome.
But the saddest part? All the great experiences I would have - the people I would meet - they would have to happen again. Sure, it's kind of fun to relive the day ones, but they seemed so ... contrived.
This seems to be the basis for a great Hollywood drama movie. Would you chase after all the things in life you wanted if you knew the outcome, or would you set a new path for yourself and try to let it happen naturally? (I guess this kind of was the "Butterfly Effect" - although I'd focus the movie more on career choices for yourself)
Anyways... glad I'm where I am now. Wouldn't trade the people and my life for anything... and I'm pretty sure that had I gone back to Feb 2010, I would have accelerated rykorp's inception (although there were so many good things that came from the last few months at MT).
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