this may be the last notable physical achievement as a "young man." i don't think i could ever do it again.
yesterday, i helped a friend move: we loaded a 16' penske truck (penske is awesome!) with all the furniture in storage, then i drove to vegas (5.5 hours), where we unloaded and unpacked everything. i originally had a 9pm flight from vegas to sd, but since we got to vegas so late (i didn't know those trucks had speed regulators), i had to switch my flight to an early one this morning.
caught the 820am flight, came home, showered, and then headed into work.
let me tell you: furniture is HEAVY. especially temperapedic beds with those crazy frames. trying to get it up a narrow two flight of stairs was an achievement.
i woke up this morning so incredibly sore (it didn't help that i also worked out 8am the morning of the move).
and now ... ldw!
(and i'm never doing that type of move ever again - i would personally shell out the money to hire movers)
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