Change comes so incrementally. I think the only time I ever get a sense of how much things have changed is when I look back at old journal entries or looking at old photos. I look back at my entries from five years ago and think about how little I knew. To think about how much I've changed in five years (and how little I've changed in some aspects, as well).

I feel like the next five years will be the most defining ones - finding love, marriage, and kids? What about the job? Where will I be physically in five years?

Life keeps moving along so fast. I have to continually change as a person, to learn to accept the shortcomings of myself and of the world. What else can you do but be compassionate and move on with life?

This weekend was an eye-opening experience for me in so many ways. A glimpse into a life I never had and a glimpse into a life I could have. Both brought over me a sense of peace - the former because I've been fortunate to be where I am today - the latter because it made me believe again.

So here's to life - here's to continuing to evolve as a person - and accepting the fact that the next five years will set the path for the rest of my life...

Posted by roy on August 24, 2010 at 10:08 PM in Personal | 1 Comments

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nowtbuk (guest)

Comment posted on August 25th, 2010 at 03:06 AM
This entry touched me.
Cheers to life! More blessings and more old journal entries to come! :D

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