nothing's going on!
I know that this journal is generally pretty boring, but things seem to have fallen off a cliff over the past few weeks. No juicy updates, no trials and tribulations, nothing to really poke fun about!
To be honest, there's nothing much to talk about. Things have been rather busy, but not in any meaningful way. I had a friend in town from Thursday until today, and there was a lot of going out involved (a three-day stretch, which for me, is like a party marathon).
BUT, we went out sailing on Saturday - and this was the FIRST time it was a total non-event. No sandbar grounding, no poorly rigged sails, no problems sailing under the bridge... while I had a motor as a backup, I sailed almost all of it under wind power (I used the motor to initially get out of the bay). I even had the perfect docking. It felt good to get a completely perfect sailing outing under my belt. Later on that evening, I got to enjoy my namesake's restaurant here in SD (but it was NOTHING compared to the one in Hawaii!).
While I've been $truggling financially with all the traveling lately (and the soon-travels to NC), I am saving up to take scuba diving lessons. I'm really looking forward to getting certified so I can explore the kelp forests of La Jolla.
So that's that. Man, I get more boring as I get older, don't I?
Look, everybody's the same height!
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teresa!! (guest)
