Wow, and just like that, October is over! What a busy month it was - got my introductory sailing certification, got to go to SF and NC. Here are some NC pics from my crappy cell phone:

The wedding of Allen and Heidi:

Reception was held at the RDU General Aviation Terminal; a (surprisingly) beautiful venue!

. . .

I went sailing twice this weekend (for the first time since my lessons). I went by myself yesterday, but the cruddy winds didn't give me much - I floated around for an hour then headed back. Today, Damien and I both rented 16" and went out. The winds were a lot better than yesterday, but still not wonderful. I had a problem on the ride back - to get back from the bay, one has to cross a bridge. Unfortunately, the wind completely dies down, and you basically have to set your course and hope you have momentum to avoid crashing into the highway concrete supports.

I had a few failed tries and had to bail on the move a couple of times, but I eventually made it through. Boat didn't take a beating, but my pride did.

(That's Damien in the picture)

. . .

Hey, look what made its way online (Jennifer pranking me with some office flowers - glad she's always looking out for me and the ladies...)

The roses died one week later.

Posted by roy on November 8, 2009 at 09:26 PM in Ramblings, Photography | Add a comment

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