What HAPPENED to this journal, you ask? I teased you with a bunch of posts a few weeks ago, and then it all went silent. The stories and lessons I've learned are private for now - I'm still going through a discovery process.

However, I do have a non-sequitur of a story to share with you.

This past weekend, I hung out with M and C - two friends who are married to each other. We went bar-hopping on Saturday (which subsequently caused me to miss Easter service - doh!).

At some point in the evening (after too many gin-and-tonics, undoubtedly), I somehow got the idea to put on M's wedding band. (I believe it was a mutual decision, as M didn't want to be married that night, and C wanted a "second husband"). In any case, it seemed like a wonderful idea at the time.

Until I realized I couldn't get the ring off. I kept pulling on it - C tried to get it off and failed. It was stuck.

My feelings vacillated from pure joy (I kept screaming out to random girls on the dance floor: "SHE LIKED IT SO SHE PUT A RING ON IT") to pure fear ("OH GOD, I CAN'T GET THIS OFF. I'M REALLY NOT MARRIED. IT'S JUST STUCK").

I was secretly hoping that the DJ would play "Single Ladies," (awesome related video, btw) cause that really would have been awesome.

Eventually, a smarter person (maybe she was just less inebriated?) got it off with relative ease, using some twisting motion. Maybe she's just really good at getting wedding bands off. WHO KNOWS. I think I'm gonna marry that girl - it's like Cinderella in reverse - get the wedding band off, and she's a keeper.

. . .

But more seriously, I've been very curious how different it is wear that ring. Are you perceived differently? I've joked about doing this in the past, just to see what happens...

. . .

The club/bar that the story happened at is at C Lounge, a totally ghetto place. But... the music was awesome. Biz Markie, House of Pain, Biggie... the classics were fan-flippin-tastic. Thumbs UP!

Posted by roy on April 5, 2010 at 09:58 PM in Ramblings, San Diego | 2 Comments

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Comment posted on May 3rd, 2010 at 05:48 AM
soap and water would have done the trick. oh, yeah, you've had one too many gin and tonics. :P
Comment posted on April 7th, 2010 at 06:13 PM
you were hanging out with M and C... bit where was Hammer?! har har har har

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