taylor swift is pretty cute
I never thought I'd end up listening to country music from iPartyRadio.
For those of you who are unaware, iPartyRadio plays AWESOME party dance music. Being dance music, high-browed people tend to diss the quality ... but hey, not everybody can be Bob Dylan! I love the superficiality, yet catchy songs which compose iParty's playlist. For example, a sample lyric: "I know that you be calling my guy / are you crazy? / now I'm gonna take you outside / and show you crazy / ooh I got your crazy / Call my man again, and I'm a gonna --- you up / and I'm a --- you up / and i'm a --- you up / touch my man again, and I'm gonna --- you up, and i'm a ---- you up / and then you call my your best friend." OOOH BABY MOMMA DRAMA!
This past weekend, a particular song caught my ear, and much to my chagrin, I discovered the song was a remix of the country song "Love Song" by Taylor Swift. Country music, ARGH! I felt rather foolish after reading Taylor Swift's wikipedia article, as she is apparently a Big Deal in country music, and I had somehow missed hearing about her.
Better late than never! So thanks to iPartyRadio, I've been listening to Taylor Swift songs tonight. Nice.
And now, it's time to share with YOU!
Edit: LAME. Why does Universal Music insist on blocking embeds? Blah.
Here's a link to the video.
Last time I was back in NC, Alex and I were discussing common themes for AWESOME songs. One thing that all AWESOME songs must have are key changes - preferably close to the end of the song. All the great songs do this, and "Love Song" is no exception! Wooo key changes!
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