my toe is so famous
It's really great to know that if I ever feel down-in-the-dumps about not getting comments, all I need to do is injure myself. That brings out ALL the sympathy commenters.
Of course, certain people (*cough*) seem intent on calling me up and ridiculing me for writing multiple posts about the most inane of all injuries.
Just for that, this will be post #3 about my ... TOE! YES! JUST WHAT YOU WANTED!
I have a picture of my toe as of today. It is lovely looking. I will be a gentleman and simply link to the photo, if you're curious to see what it looks like.
(ok seriously, this should be my last post dedicated solely to my toe. if i wrote another post on this, i'm pretty sure i'd have to start a new category for it. of all the things i've been working on lately, it's vaguely pathetic that i spend so much time writing about this)
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