feeling oddly refreshed
I've been pretty out of it lately - just completely stressed/burned out. I took a half-day on Tuesday and just skipped work altogether on Wednesday. A combination of high stress deadlines converging into a couple of weeks, along with the fear of no immediate relief ... just caught up to me. Juggling a bunch of balls, and dropping them all at once is never a good feeling. It was one of those situations where one thing put me in the bad mood, which would make me generally irritable, which just triggered a negative feedback loop. Break out of it!
I've blown off a lot of steam over the past week, and I feel oddly refreshed tonight (it helped to have a project at home to focus on). I need to buck up and think of this as another insurmountable challenge (those are the only ones I seem interested in undertaking).
I should take it as a blessing that I feel challenged - this the life I wanted - where every step you take gets harder as if you're mired in mud; this is how I grow stronger. If I fell back on everything that was familiar and easy, I'd always be the same person; I should always be pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
I'm looking forward to powering through this weekend and getting back on my feet. I'm not firing on all cylinders yet, but I feel cautiously optimistic tomorrow is gonna be the start of a great weekend.
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