Of you guys, I know you love me. Or you at least love to make fun of me. Or something along those lines.


In an effort to show the personal side of MindTouch engineering, I've started a (group) developer blog for MindTouch at http://blog.developer.mindtouch.com/

This is not only just a blog about boring engineering things, but also about the awesome people who work there and the little stories that crack me up about everybody - I just want to give you a glimpse into what it's like to work at a small, exciting company like MindTouch.

I will also be pimping out stuff that's happening with MindTouch Deki there (I'll mostly be taking credit for everybody else's work, as I usually do) ... but I promise it won't be that boring.

So go check out the blog and subscribe to it via RSS. I've put up what I thought was a pretty funny story that happened today.

So far, I'm the primary poster, but I hope to corral more devs into blogging there - hopefully the casual setting will encourage people to be more involved.

Let me know what you think of the blog!

Posted by roy on January 16, 2009 at 01:14 AM in MindTouch | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on January 16th, 2009 at 01:16 PM
i've a feeling that the blog will be filled with, 'well, i guess you had to have been there' moments. haha.