true savers are screwed
Just one random thought I want to get down that's been bugging me: people who have been fiscally conservative (no debt, high savings rate) are getting pretty screwed.
The downside of pumping down so much money into the economy is that rates (CDs, savings, etc.) are going pushed down. With Treasury Bills yielding close to nothing and FDIC-insured saving accounts yielding ~2.75% APR (I use ING Direct), where is a young person supposed to be saving? Simply put: what is the best investment option for me?
Equities are out (dollar-cost averaging ... yeah, right), savings yield nothing, T-Bills yield nothing, real estate is a bad idea, too. No wonder banks aren't using the TARP money for anything - they must have the same concerns as I do.
But really, I find it amusing that of all times when a situation forces people into a higher savings rate, there's nowhere to turn to. I guess that's what happens!
(P.S. For the record, I moved almost all my money into ING - equities suck right now. No need to try to catch falling knives!)
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