I swear, magenesium makes you dreams go into HD. I had an incredibly vivid dream last night, which smacks of that Tom Hanks movie "Cast Away" and that Russell Crowe movie about hostages.
Basically me and some friends go backpacking/camping in South America. While camping, we get kidnapped by a bunch of bad guys who whisk us away into some far camp (it takes weeks to get there). While there, a massive earthquake unleashes the rickety wooden damn, which frees us from our captors. With no money and no passports, we trek our way back north. For reasons unknown, it takes us half a year to get back.
When I return, things have changed. People thought we were dead and moved on with their lives. Interestingly enough (interesting because obviously the job is on my mind a lot lately), MindTouch became a smashing success - I had a convo with Aaron in the dream, which was super awkward, cause I was basically replaced and had no role to come back to. My parents and friends had all been transformed into different people.
I woke up feeling incredibly depressed. It's hard to think that life doesn't stop - people keep moving on with their lives and they change.
Actually, I think this is one of the plot sub-texts in Futurama which really stuck with me - my favorite episode was the one about Fry's dog.
Anyways, if I were to ever graduate from writing really crappy short stories to writing really crappy incoherent long stories, I'd probably focus on the themes of change - how people will always move on with their lives.
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