It seems that everytime I take a sleeping pill, I always end up writing a Tabulas entry instead.

Background on this post: MindTouch Deki 8.08 finally shipped. Pete's flying in tomorrow.

This means, we FINALLY ARE GOING TO HAVE A PRODUCT ROADMAP MEETING! Yay! All those features and great idea's we've had to brush aside ... we can finally get down, sit down, discuss them, and figure out what to do!

I am most excited about this.

Here are the thoughts that were keeping me up:

  • Collaboration:
    • Friendfeed, Facebook News Feed ... there's no reason we couldn't sexify "Recent changes" to improve content readability
      • example: allow different view modes - attached files - added comments - LET people add comments to a page about a revision!
      • something to consider: what "is" a revision? (comments? tags? files?)
      • tagging user page makes them a "friend" - watch list == recent changes personalized
  • Permissions - this is crucial - as we target more SMBs (<50 people) who want granular control, we have to reconsider it all. Accessmaps - might be a good idea. Technical: Drop roles and restrictions as masks - work with the flags directly. Users have no permissions, until assigned to a group, which has a permission mask.
    • User namespace: Do what the hell you want - Max
    • Custom namespaces: (Or allow Special: and start converting things like "Top Contributors" and "Top pages" into DekiScript) - Damien
  • Push notifications (Events/XMPP) - allow appications to be "notified" when changes occur - lets you do things like AIM notices, email notifications, Twitter posts, WordPress posts ...
    • Internal feature: Watchlist (takes advantage of this)
      • Required feature changes: Subscribe to a whole tree, comment on a change
Currently feeling: f'ing tired
Posted by roy on September 8, 2008 at 02:55 AM in MindTouch | Add a comment

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