August 22, 2008
some shared links
Here are some recent links I've found interesting:
- Freddie, Fannie Failure Could Be World `Catastrophe,' Yu Says - "China's $376 billion of long-term U.S. agency debt is mostly in Fannie and Freddie assets" lulz! better hope when congress bails fannie/freddie out they don't make the stock worthless!
- Dumber is Faster with Large Data Sets (and Disk Seeks) (by Jeremy Zawodny) i found most of these things to be true when i was working on tabulas
- Design Cop-out #2: Breadcrumbs i've had mixed feelings about breadcrumbs, too.
- Amazon Web Services Developer Connection : PHP Library for Amazon EC2
- YouTube - Tiger Woods 09 - Walk on Water i love it when companies respond to internet memes
- YouTube - Japanese Soccer with Binoculars oldie, but goodie
- Why A Four-Day Work Week Doesn't Work - - "Ressler argues that as long as employees get their work done it doesn't matter how long it takes or where they do it." forget 40/hours a week ... 32 hours a week in-office is good - if you really care about your job, you'll do whatever extra work you need to do anyways
- - awesome! break down whether it's "soda", "pop", or "coke" pop vs. soda vs. coke (i say coke)
- PHP Sessions - Files vs Database Based | MySQL Performance Blog pete recently added support for memcached session in deki
- #5196 (Support "minor edits" in Atom) - WordPress Trac - Trac - cognitive burden is bad ... glad to see some defense for it. something to consider if "minor edit" ever pops up again in a deki discussion.
- 10 Reasons It Would Rule to Date a Unicorn hilarious meme
- Neatorama » Blog Archive » Japan’s Futuristic Underground Flood Tunnel. pictures are stunning
. . .
I really enjoy Dexter Freebish:
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