The last few things I've been excited about: Amazon S3, Yahoo term extraction, and Akismet.

Guess what? SixApart just released a free comment spam filter - TypePad AntiSpam! Woo hoo! I'm paying $50/month to Akismet right now; I want to switch ASAP ... would go a long way in keeping this little project afloat ;)

So my complaint: the documentation is atrocious. The "Developers" and the "Getting Started" section are pretty much the same thing - "here is how to install the plug-ins."

What I'd really like to see is the actual API documented - they have a claim that TypePad AntiSpam is compatible with Akismet's API - does this mean they're exactly the same? Where is the entry point? Required parameters? If they want plug-ins to be written, they'll need to provide some more documentation :)

I downloaded the TypePad AntiSpam plugin for WordPress to try to reverse engineer the calls - once I'm done, I'll post them up here.

Posted by roy on May 29, 2008 at 12:29 PM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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