this past weekend, i was refilling my drink at the local in-n-out when these two twin brothers (who weren't older than seven) were struggling to reach the lids and straws (they're on top of the drink machine).
"excuse me sir," (they were amazingly polite) "could you please help us out?"
i handed them two lids and two straws.
"thank you very much!" ... and they sauntered away. (seriously, the politest children i've interacted with in a LONG time)
one thing i love about growing up is how my perspective changes about the "big" things in my life. (i mean this in both the literal and non-literal ways)
i remember being young and having both parents tower over me. they were like giants!
i remember when i got a "b+" on a test in elementary school and worrying about the coming apocalypse.
i remember getting my first "b" for a full quarter class in middle school and worrying about the coming apocalypse.
i remember getting my first "c" in college and worrying about the coming apocalypse. (do you notice a theme here?)
i remember getting out of my first relationship and thinking i'd never date again (hey, wait a second...)
i remember having 1.90 GPA and worrying i wouldn't graduate from carolina (i did, with a 2.01, barely over the 2.00 threshold)
i remember the grief of rejection from a horrible situation with a girl ...
it's funny, looking back, and how small my problems were. knowing this, i try to make light for any self-perceived problems in my life ... knowing full well that next year, my problems will seem small. i'm not sure what i ever did to deserve such blessings...
gotta keep growing!
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