Oh dear lord, this is the best picture ever:
I keep looking at it, and laughing.
. . .
I've always ♥ Tabulas because it's a mix of Blogger and LJ for me (and it has lots of smilies!).
However, I wasn't able to update here for a long time now because I
find it such a time-consuming task to copy paste my entries from one
blog to the other. Neither can I just focus on this blog solely. Before
I even put up this account, I already have my Blogger and my LJ running
already. I cannot find myself leaving Blogger because I have that blog
since '05, and I can't leave LJ as well because my batchmates from
college are in my friends-list there. I post entries in different blogs
in accordance to whom I want to talk to... I used to keep this account
only when I want to talk to me. But ever since, I've always prayed that
the day would come that Roy, the one man behind Tabulas, will be able
to fix the cross-posting issue here, so that if ever I would want my
friends to know what I've been telling myself recently, I can just
easily cross-post it to my LJ. And guess what? ROY DID IT! Not just that, Tabulas has already a new metweblog api, which now
allows it to work with Microsoft Windows LiveWriter as well! Woohoo!
And I'm really digging the new control panel too!
You're such a genius, Roy, I hope you see that. I also appreciate how you replied to my e-mail about cross-posting and APIs before. I read one comment in the your blog which says that it's your personal touch to Tabulas that makes this service different from all the other blogging platforms out there---I so agree. I hope you keep up with what you're doing.
I haven't had much time to write about all the stuff going on Tabulas, but patriciya's written a post about the mixtape feature (and how to actually download the tracks). Thanks for the nice write-ups ... makes it all worthwhile!
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I was actually worried when you filled the Tabulas' homepage with all those "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." text, haha. :) You may find Tabulas behind the times already, but that's for you, a web developer nonetheless. But for me, an ordinary human being leeching off every free service in the net (and I'm certain this doesn't just apply to me), Tabulas has allowed us to fulfill all of our self-glorification needs (even if we're just basically writing in a diary, talking to ourselves... but hey, there are usericons to boot!). And it just keeps getting better.
You have an army behind you, Roy! ;) Again, keep up the excellent work! Glad to have boosted your ego, even if I'm a a thousand miles away :)