oh, come ON
One major complaint about Korean churches in the SD area: they all start at ungodly (HAHA) hours on Sunday. The two churches (which have websites) both list morning service at 9am ... and they're outside downtown! (Which means a 10 minute walk to my car and a 15 minute drive to the church).
I guess it's a good way to weed out lazy bums like me. Sigh.
Then again, I could go to the local super-church, which has service all day! Christianity, at your convenience!
. . .
I can't believe a week just went by. I was miserable this week. I have to keep reminding myself that vague specifications are the norm, not the exception. There's this one particular project which has been a thorn in my side: it's the first project where I cannot wrap my head around the scope of the project, which makes me very worried in terms of timelines. The project's already been delayed a few weeks ... and I still don't see the end in sight. Couple this with the fact that this project requires engineering resources that are only applicable to this one project ... and you can get an idea why I've been so ornery. Anyways...
I'm never one to embrace change in my personal life; doubly so when it comes to work that I'm invested in. We're hiring people at MT at such a scary rapid pace, which threw me into a bad mood of sorts (although most of it was related to the never-ending Mozilla project, to which I still don't see an end to the timeline)
I worked hard over the past few months to manage projects and processes to minimize overhead; to see so many new faces ... I just hope our company can swallow these new hires. A lot of them are fresh hires, so there's ramp up time involved - I expect to be working incredibly long hours over the next few months. Part of me doesn't want to see our productive, neat little team dissolve ... but there's no avoiding it.
Of course, a bigger part of me is excited to have more people work on our product - even though people keep clamoring about how awesome it is, it still has a lot of room to improve and simply be kick-ass. There are so many ideas that I have, that I'm just not capable of pursuing because I don't have time ...
It's been a while since there's been such radical changes in my life (so sad that I consider work to be my whole life), so it's been tough dealing with them. But I don't think this applies just to me: over the past year, our team's grown comfortable in our roles and our little dominions. It's easy to feel very threatened when you see somebody with your skillsets come into the company - that insecurity makes you question, "What's my new role?" I imagine people will be trying to find their role in the company over the next year. It'll be interesting to see where we all stand a year from now.
Well, that was my week.
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