Lately, I realized that it doesn't matter what language you write in - everything can (and will) eventually scale. RoR used to get a lot of grief because it didn't scale well (of course, some people still associate Twitter == RoR, which doesn't help it's cause), but it looks like other people are getting RoR to scale up to 300 requests per second with no problem (of course, they also mention that "we memcached extensively early on - every page reload results in 0 SQL calls.").

. . .

I have discovered the best new blog of 2008: Stuff White People Like. It is an in-depth look into white culture, and how to act like a white person.

Read it. Learn it.

(Seriously though, who writes these blogs? They are friggin' hilarious!)

Posted by roy on February 17, 2008 at 04:19 PM in Web Development, Foolishness | Add a comment

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