February 8, 2008
things i learned
Things I learned today: female betta fish are cannibals. One of my female bettas was dead when I checked the tank this morning. I figured I could fish it out (har har) once I got back from work - when I came back, I couldn't find the dead body anywhere! Then I noticed two female bettas nibbling on what remained of the body ... just a tail.
It was a bit sickening.
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the male that i thought was the prettiest was lost due to a female betta beating him up... i had read that betta fish were easy to <a href="http://www.ask-the-vet.com/breeding-betta-fish.htm">breed </a> and thought i would give it a go. i kept the fish separate to make sure both were healthy first. but she must have thought he was an ugly fish and was offended by his advances. i removed him from her tank but the injuries he sustained caused him to die a few days later.
moral of the story female betta fish are indeed mean. your fish may have killed her roomie before deciding to eat her. all fish will eat their dead roomies i think it's to keep the tank clean and so the bacteria doesn't build up. but you may be looking at a case of MURDER!