let's exchange holiday cards
Let me put it this way: I have the best holiday greeting card you'll EVER receive. EVER. Like a fine dish, the card required a lot of preparation, well-timed execution, and a period of simmering into perfection. But in order to receive the awesomeness, you'll need to give me your address. So drop me your mailing address in the comments below or through email (royikim@gmail.com) and I'll send you a holiday greeting card! Don't be afraid to ask cause I don't know who you are - the AWESOMENESS will bond us for life. Take my word on it.
I showed Corey and Guerric the concept card today and they were wowed. It's awesomeness knows no bounds. It's like the second coming of the Beatles; it's THAT awesome.
Edit: Sorry for the confusion - this is a real, physical greeting card. I need your mailing address!
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1480 fulton street, apt. 3
san francisco, ca 94117

1007 5th ave unit 402
san diego, ca 92101





Sure thing!
Al Rio
c/o Interactive Arts Services, Inc.
M-I A/B Mezzanine, The Gallery Building
Amorsolo Street, Makati City
Now, how to send you a card too? :D