user interface design
the Uncanny Valley of user interface design: "a Windows application should look and feel like a Windows application, a Mac application should look and feel like a Mac application, and a web application should look and feel like a web application."
I couldn't have said it better. I remember back in the early days of Firefox, the application didn't "look" like a MS Windows window ... which turned me off from it. I also know I detested Hotmail for its emulation of MS Outlook (why people try to emulate this horrible, horrible program is beyond my reckoning).
In my opinion, a "failure" in a web ui is for one of the following reasons:
- Attempts to emulate a desktop environment and fails (RoundCube looks beautiful, but it actually feels very gawky to use, while Gmail has the opposite problem)
- Slowness (I never liked Zimbra cause of the "slowness" of the app - I also know DekiWiki has had similar complaints). People will use whichever application is faster - I prefer Gmail to my personal email, cause I want a low overhead when reading my email ... but I prefer Thunderbird for my work email, because I do need the added UI overhead for some of my more complex tasks (sorting, flagging, and folder-ing [Don't like labels])
The end user doesn't care what an application is written in - they just want it to work. When you enforce a desktop paradigm onto a web user, they get into the desktop paradigm mindset. When you break that paradigm, you take the user on the defensive ... which is why I think most web apps would be better off not emulating desktop applications in the first place. I've always been from the school of consistent UI - action should behave similarly across an application ... this helps people feel comfortable within a new UI.
. . .
Of course, none of this applies if you're writing a language in Java. No matter what you do in Java (native UI controls), you can always tell a Java app by howwwww frrrrriiiggggiiin ssssslllloooooooooowwwwwww iiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt iiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssss.
I'm pretty sure Limewire is written in Java, cause when I load it up, it takes about 30 seconds after my initial click for me to get any useful "please wait" screen. Of course, I think I mis-click so I click again, which fires up another instance of Limewire ....
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