scottrade, wow
I finally opened up my Scottrade account. Wow, the registration process blows chunks. They give you your account number once during the registration process ... no emails, nothing. So when the Scotttrade verification deposits hit my bank, I had no way of finding out what my account # was ... and of course, there's absolutely no way to retrieve your account credentials if you don't know them.
Look at the site! There's no "Forgot your password?" or "Forgot your account #?" link! I had to call them up to get it - man they sounded annoyed.
Anyways, I put in my first deposit over there and I'll be happy to start trading from there. As I close out my Fidelity positions, I'll shift more money over to the Scottrade account.
An interesting note from Prosper so far ... I started mid-November and looking at my total returns, it's roughly a 5-6% gain for the five months thus far (not bad). Note that this is with incremental deposits so the actual return per dollar per annum is actually a little higher, but I'm far too lazy to do the real math there. I just did a total returns since Nov. / total deposits since November and got 5.2%. It sure beats the hell out of CDs and T-bills as fixed-return assets (with a lot higher risker, obv).
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