March 29, 2007
quotes of the day
A few quotes of the day from the office:
Aaron on the true nature of me: (upon posting up this poster to his wall):
Hey Roy, this poster should appeal to the inner Japanese girl in you!
Max on programming progress: Hey, we're getting a 404 now ... we're making progress!
Me chatting with Bert on my plans for life:
thug4liferoyboy (6:11:44 PM): i could finally trick a girl into dating me
thug4liferoyboy (6:12:03 PM): roy + fame + money = girlfriend?????
And with that, I am off to enjoy a nice dinner and a quiet evening! Have a wonderful night!
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Yeah, roy = good girlfriend is kinda creepy since it implies that roy is a good girlfriend. I say it should be a function of roy, so f(roy) = good girlfriend. What f is though is up for debate.
should just be: roy = good girlfriend
hmmm...that equation makes it look like you are the good girlfriend.

roy == GREAT girlfriend
assuming i find that white knight to take me off into the sunset... sigh