Sponsored post: So there's a new site in town that lets you get paid per post called ReviewMe.com. This site takes a slightly different tack from PayPerPost.com by setting your site's value according to a combination of Alexa and Technorati rankings; if your site is worth more on those sites, then the value of your posts will be greater. For example, I'm (supposedly) getting paid $30 to write this post with two star rankings. ReviewMe also forces bloggers to disclose that htey are writing a sponsored post (i like) which will hopefully let people filter out the wheat from the chaff.

It doesn't seem to be much better than PayPerPost; what will differentiate these two is which ones can get a better group of advertisers - I stopped using PPP because the sponsors on there were lame. I like money, but I'd like to have some fun/interesting things to write about. If anything, I want to get paid for something I was going to write about anyway ...

By the way, can anybody figure out WHERE on ReviewMe I'm supposed to get a listing of advertisers? I can't seem to find it anywhere... confusing ocnfusing...

P.S. The $30 I make from this post will be donated to Carolina for Kibera since I have no intentions on monetizing this blog.

Posted by roy on November 9, 2006 at 05:18 PM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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