ghost children
I know I don't touch my monitor. I make an effort not to. I like to keep it clean. So tell me, who are the little children who keep sneaking in my room and muddying up my monitors with their little fingers? WHERE ARE THESE SMUDGES COMING FROM?????? GHOST CHILDREN?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!111
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The recent upswing's given me a good chance to rebalance my portfolio. I lowered my position in NXG by a a third at a ~10% loss (too volatile, and I had nearly 40% of my portfolio tied into it, which sucked) and liquidated my recently opened position in SPY to open positions in LTD and MO. My portfolio now looks like: NXG, CUP, LTD, MO, MPW, WWW, MRK. This should hopefully be enough rebalancing for the rest of the year - I'll probably be able to open up a new position before the end of the year; got any good mid-cap recommendations? If I can't find anything I may just plow it back into MPW; their dividends are great.
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Wow, the power of blogs. A shortselling stock blog called ShareSleuth (backed by Mark Cuban) published an article on UTK; look at what the article did to the stock of UTK:
One blog post. Wiped 33% off a company's market cap. This sorta looks like RHAT's plummet after Oracle announced it was entering the Linux market...
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