I think I'm finally overcoming the inertia that is holding me back from change.
I've been running scripts for the past week transferring ALL static files to Amazon's S3 service. In the past, I had been just using S3 for backups of static files (so in case my servers went up in flames, I would have backups of all your images). Two weeks ago, I finally decided that if I am to "compete" (and by this, I mean to give up a fight that's not laughable, because the reality is I'll never be able to compete with all the $$$ backing all these sites like Vox and Xanga and MySpace), I have grow leaner. Less things I have to maintain = more time to develop features.
Sometime next week, I'm going to do the switchover to abandon,, and as static file servers and instead to serve everything up from Amazon S3. I'm working on making the transition as seamless as possible (which includes going through all the old entries and updating absolute links to images on the old file servers to the new locations) so you don't have to do anything.
Oh yeah, I am also declaring a temporary victory over the spammers on the tagboards and comments. Since I required all guests to pass a captcha, there's been nearly zero spam (I haven't seen any, but maybe a few have gone through). I'll enjoy this spam reprieve, because I'm sure the spammers will be back.
So I have actually been working on Tabulas the past two weeks with all my spare time :) Soon I'll be able to reap the rewards of all that backend work ... and so will you!
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but all this updating that you're doing, i'm wondering if that is the cause of the persistent time offset problems in some journals (see the help center for details).
it's different for some people, but for me, there seems to be an 8 hour differential between the profile time set and the time on the main page.




keep up the good work roy, you are appreciated. =)