I was surprised to know that The Fray are on their second single release. I was suprised because their second song sounds exactly like the first one. I could listen to both and not know which title goes to which one.

That doesn't detract from their listenability - I bought Linkin Park's first CD even though every track on there sounded the same. It was my favorite CD for a whole two weeks too (which is pretty good).

This reminds me of that Nickelback mashup where a clever person mixed together Nickelback's first two songs into one song - left headphone plays one song, right headphone plays the other song... and it sounds like one song. I bet you could do the same thing with the Fray.

. . .

cool post by jahmeel - it's that snippets thing again!

Posted by roy on September 25, 2006 at 10:05 AM in Music | 5 Comments

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Comment posted on September 25th, 2006 at 07:01 PM
i actually got that from one of your posts. I thought it was really cool and I tried to learn how to use it. thanks for sharin' it here! :alice:

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Comment posted on September 25th, 2006 at 03:19 PM
the fray album is pretty good.

however, breakin benjamins has more of a nickelback/linkin park sound than the fray. their album is great too.
Comment posted on September 25th, 2006 at 03:20 PM
Breaking Benjamin's latest is pretty sick. Good call, Shekker.
Comment posted on September 25th, 2006 at 12:46 PM
You have to be kidding me. Every song on Hybrid Theory sounds the same to you??? Maybe you need to go listen to it again.

And what exactly is The Fray's second single? I've had the CD for about 6 months now and the album is pretty versatile.
Comment posted on September 25th, 2006 at 01:01 PM
yes, different to the point that if you play a given song on the album to me, most likely i won't be able to tell you which track it is.

the two singles i'm talking about: over my head and how to save a life