sharing a dream
It's really sad, but I feel it noteworthy to say I went to church today (for the first time in a long time?) I have lots of strong (negative) feelings about the concept of church in general, but I'll save that for some other time.
In any case, my body is still a bit on west coast time, so I passed out at 5pm and I just woke up about 10 minutes ago (1120) from a nap from all my morning shenanigans. I had the scariest dream that scared the bejesus out of me ...
I had a dream that there was a serial killer in Chapel Hill. This serial killer (implied to be a woman) would drug men at bars, take them into the woods, and cut them open. She'd remove all the organs surgically while the guy was still alive.
It really freaked me out! I woke up really hungry, but at first I was like "no way i'm leaving with that serial killer on the loose!" Then I realized it was just a dream.... -_-;;
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Nonetheless, freaky dream o.O