a theory on pumping gas
As I stood there, watching my paycheck drain into my car at $2.83/gallon, I wondered if people are more like to do the "shake" now that every bit of gas is worth something.
The "shake" that I am refererencing is the "shake" that men do after peeing at the urinal (or in child-speak, #1-sees) to ensure proper drainage ... of their ... peeing things.
I always felt bad when I would take the gas pumper out, and a bit of gas would come flying out, so I started (unintentionally) doing the "shake" to ensure this didn't happen. Then I realized I probably learned this skill from countless trips to the urinal...
But do women do this as well? Are women aware of the "shake" and it's usefulness in ensuring every drop of liquid ends up in the receptable? There were no women at the gas station, so I was unable to test my theory. I did, however, see one other guy do the "shake", so I didn't feel like a total weirdo-perv. (Wouldn't it be sad if I turned out to be the only person who did this?)
So please, the next time you're at a gas station, please let me know if women do the shake. I theorize that men are more like to do the shake than women at the pump.
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As for the shaking thing... I never paid attention but being the maniac I am with my belongings and knowing my car is/was new, I pay a lot of attention to that last drop...
babie (guest)